Your daily dose of thought

Monday 20 April 2015


Walking on the sidewalk and you get shot on the face by a ball. You instinctively turn around to see who is responsible and you find the face of a five year old, giggling at the blatant ferocity expressed by you. He laughs because he knows you can't do anything. He laughs because society allows.
Your face changes expression and you smile. Smile because he's just having a laugh and to justify this dismissal you tell yourself that you were the same when you were young. And you continue with your life.

That same child grows up and continues to commit these pitiful acts but the magnitude increases after every time he gets away because he wants the rush of adrenaline, the amusement to smile, and the anticipation for a reaction that he never receives. This all continues until these actions become a second habit and almost an addiction.

Once he's an adult, he tests his limits once again and purposefully shoots a ball at you - the same person who ignored him a few years ago. Once you realise it's an adult, you lash out, curse, and raise hell. The law gets called and official sanctions are imposed; perhaps on the both of you. Its mans nature to respond when felt intimidated, to maintain his dignity, and to protect his pride.

But just rewind the story and think: what if you spoke when the child first shot you?

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